Who We Are

Founded as a non-partisan, grassroots organization, BPW/USA was formed in 1919 and merged with BPW Foundation in 2009. As the first organization to focus on issues of working women, BPW is historically a leader in activism, policy influence and advocacy for millions of working women and has been a successful leader in promoting and supporting legislation affecting working women ever since. BPW/St. Petersburg-Pinellas was founded in 1966 to carry forward the BPW mission.


One of the first women’s organizations to endorse the Equal Rights Amendment in 1937, BPW also educates its members on policy issues and provides them the tools to become effectively involved in policy development in their own workplaces and in efforts at the local, state and federal levels. A number of special events are held throughout the year to raise funds for scholarships, microgrants and other causes relevant to working women.


We are committed to coalition-building with other like-minded organizations, including the the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce, our local educational institutions, and many in the non profit community.