
Fulfilling our mission is greatly helped by the activities of our committees.  Standing committees are identified in our bylaws and special committees are established each year based on the input from our strategic planning from the current or previous years. Some special committees are event committees created for the purpose of holding signature events. Whether standing or special, committees are one of the best ways to engage with the other members of BPW, develop new skills and contribute your own experience or expertise to furthering the mission of BPW.

Standing Committees 


This committee prepares an annual budget for the local organization (LO) no later than the first regular October meeting, has general supervision of all expenditures, and assists the LO in developing a sound financial policy.

Individual Development

This committee plans the Individual Development (ID) program, a signature program of BPW that assists women in meeting their personal and professional goals, as well as their goals for community action and change.


This committee carries out the legislative programs adopted by BPW/FL and studies local legislative needs in order to make recommendations to the local organization. Activities include delivering a “legislative moment” at the general membership meetings, meeting with city administrators and elected officials quarterly, and incorporating legislative/politically-based topics and speakers into meeting programs.


This committee promotes, expands, stabilizes and orients the membership. Activities include coordinating monthly membership socials, identifying recruitment events, staffing display tables, engaging new members and reaching out to luncheon guests.


This committee identifies non-profits with volunteer/donation opportunities that align with BPW’s mission. Activities include partnering with the Membership committee for monthly events and promoting interest in and support of the BPW Foundation, the BPW/FL Education Foundation and any other organizations supported by BPW/St. Petersburg-Pinellas.

Public Relations / Technology

This committee publicizes state and local programs and activities through available news media. Activities include the management of the website and social media platforms, publicity of LO news and events, and distribution of the monthly e-newsletter.

Young Careerist

This committee organizes and coordinates the Young Careerist Program and promotes efforts that involve the participation of young people ages 21-35. Activities include working with college/university career resources offices to identify potential participants, organizing a professional and personal development workshop series, and organizing a speak-off for the first membership meeting in April. More about Young Careerist

Special Committees 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This committee emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in recruitment, retention, mentoring, programming, leadership development and community outreach. Activities include aligning with like-minded organizations on community conversations, and recommending keynote speakers who can address diversity-related topics at the membership meetings.

Equal Pay Day / Unhappy Hour

This committee observes National Equal Pay Day (typically in April) by raising awareness of pay equity and the wage gap through a free event known as an “Unhappy Hour.”

Connie Passmore Scholarship

Made up of the current LO president and past presidents, this committee reads scholarship applications and selects recipients for the Connie Passmore Scholarships that are distributed each May. Click Here for Details

Working Women's Forum

This committee plans a ticketed event during National Business Women’s Week, which is held the third week of October. Proceeds are directed to the Connie Passmore Scholarship Fund.

Equality Day Celebration

This committee plans our annual celebration of Women’s Equality Day each August 26 (or nearest weekend day) that marks the anniversary of of the certification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution giving women the right to vote. For more on the 2021 celebration, click here, 2021 BPW Women’s Equality Day Celebration

Public Relations / Technology

This committee publicizes state and local programs and activities through available news media. Activities include the management of the website and social media platforms, publicity of LO news and events, and distribution of the monthly e-newsletter.