04 Dec Legislative Update 12-2-21
The Legislative Committee of BPW/SPP has been busy during this pre-legislative session time. There have been many bills presented and many of those are moving their way through committees.
As of the writing of this article there are a couple of key items of legislation that relate directly to BPW’s Public Policy Platform that we are keeping an eye on, and they are: HB 111 and SB 308 “Crimes Evidencing Prejudice” and HB 167 “Abortion”. The Legislative Committee has compiled a letter in support of HB 111 and SB 308 and one in opposition to HB 167.
On November 29th HB 709 and SB 1036 “Reproductive Health Care Rights” were filed. The committee will be reviewing this proposed legislation and, if appropriate, will prepare a letter in support of this legislation which will also be made available to our membership.
If you are interested in sending a letter to your congressional delegation, or all legislators, please feel free to modify the letter so that it will be from you as a Member-at-Large or a member of another Local Organization.
(Click to Download) Letter in support of House Bill 111 and Senate Bill 308
(Click to Download) Letter in opposition of House Bill 167
If you do not know how to reach your legislators, the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections has a handy tool for looking up all of your elected government officials based on your address of record: CLICK HERE
BPW/St. Petersburg-Pinellas
Legislative Committee