A Visit from Sheena Qualles-DeFreeceThe St. Pete Timebank

A Visit from Sheena Qualles-DeFreeceThe St. Pete Timebank

At our August 6th meeting, Sheena Qualles-DeFreece will be speaking about the St. Pete Timebank where she currently serves on the Board of Directors.  The St. Pete Timebank was started by BJ Andryusky in late 2016 as a grassroots movement in her kitchen with two close friends.  The Timebank is a medium of exchange, rather than dollars every person’s hour has the same value, no matter who is contributing.  The core belief is that everybody is an asset to our community.  It’s simple:  one hour equals one credit.

After earning dual degrees in economics and political science from Rutgers University, Sheena spent more than two decades working in managerial positions at a variety of financial institutions, primarily in debt collection and commercial-asset recovery.

Then in 1998 she left her financial career, earned a graduate degree in education, and spent the next 13-plus years teaching middle-school reading, history, and language arts.

Two successful careers later, she viewed her new stage in life, namely ‘retirement’, as giving her the freedom to pursue her passions so she created Kidzonomics®, a non-profit whose mission is to “Cultivate the minds of our youth with financial literacy tools and concepts that will enhance their financial acumen.”

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Topic: BPW Luncheon

Time: Aug 6, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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