22 Jan Deb Johnston will speak about Dementia and Beyond
Are you part of the sandwich generation (aging parents on one side and children on the other)? Even if you aren’t please join us on February 5, 2015 as we welcome member, Debra Johnston on the topic of “Dealing with Dementia.” Deb has been a geriatric care manager for more than 14 years and assists seniors and their families navigate the eldercare system. She facilitates caregiver support groups in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties and is a member of the Seniors and Law Enforcement Council (SALT). Deb is also a member of the Adult Protection Team with the Department of Children and Families and an Eldernet Volunteer.
Please join us as on February 5, 2015 for this enlightening and educational program to learn the
early signs of dementia and how to deal with it once you see it.