27 Apr May 7 Meeting Goes Virtual
Last Tuesday evening, the executive committee met and determined that our May 7 meeting will be virtual via the Zoom app. We haven’t gotten any firm dates on when gatherings such as our luncheon meetings will be permitted again and our normal location, 400 Beach Seafood and Taphouse is still closed. We have a number of important things to discuss to continue the business of BPW but nothing that would require us to break CDC guidelines. A zoom link and meeting ID will be in our next Touch Base Tuesday.
Many of you have had the opportunity to communicate with Zoom or other apps like facetime during this unique period in history but for those that haven’t, we’re here to help. In true BPW fashion, we want to help everyone in our organization use the now popular tool employed by millions to connect, do business, hold meetings and educate. So, if you’ve never used it, aren’t sure how and would like some help, send an email to us at info@bpwstpetepinellas.org and let us know. Amy, Vicki and others have offered their expertise with tech training at no charge to help get everyone up to speed.
Like most organizations, our bylaws provide guidance for a wide number of activities and these unprecedented times are no different. While we can postpone elections and installation until the time is right, there are a number of things that really cannot wait. Our fiscal year ends Thursday and we need to pass a new budget in order to collect and spend money to further our activities whether we are meeting or not. The reason you are receiving this Touch Base Tuesday early is because we plan to meet 10 days from today, the required notice period is 10 days and there will be a few items that require a vote.
PROPOSED BYLAW AMENDMENTS – BPW/St. Petersburg-Pinellas – April 2020
(New sections, automatic renumbering)
Section 5. The local organization, all committees and subcommittees shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communications media so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting. Quorum requirements for electronic meetings are the same as face-to-face meetings.
Section 6….. Unless members indicate otherwise to the President in writing, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically.
Rationale: This would allow for the conduct of business when in-person meetings are not possible, while ensuring appropriate notices and quorum requirements.
Existing Language
Section 3. Committee chairs and members shall be appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed. No person shall serve on more than three consecutive years on the same committee.
Proposed Language
Section 3. Committee chairs and members shall be appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed. No person shall serve as chairperson for more than three consecutive years on the same committee.
Rationale: There are a number of members who serve repeatedly on committees. The bylaws committee recommends that only the chairperson be limited in tenure.
Here’s a link to the proposed budget which has been reviewed by the Executive Committee and will be presented to the membership for a vote.
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