April is a month of transition in BPW at the local level. We elect and install new officers for the coming year. I’m pleased to learn that we have a full slate of candidates for our officer positions. It is with both melancholy and a sense of satisfaction that I will turn over the reins of leading this local organization to the new president. BPW has been a major factor in my life for the last 40 years and I am certain will continue to be so for a long time yet to come.
Through BPW I have gained experience and skills, which translated to and benefited my professional life; I have made life-long friends and continue to gain new ones; I have found key professional service providers, such as my investment manager, accountant, realtor, and lawyer, all of whom also believe in the mission of BPW, namely, to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.
We tried some new things this past year, some of which will stick and others will provide us with lessons learned. One must continue to experiment in order to survive in a world of constant change. I am most grateful for those who served in leadership positions this past year and can only say “thank you”.
BPW members helped with my transition to Florida twelve years ago and continue to enlighten me today as to the “Florida” way. I am pleased to have served BPW/St. Petersburg-Pinellas as president for this past year and look forward to supporting the new leadership in the coming year.
Sheila Barry-Oliver, Ed.D.
BPW/SPP President 2018-2019